Saturday, October 27, 2007

I suppose that if you are on this blog it is because you know one of the three LLC's. We are a music group that originated from the same source~Lark and Scott Linford. Jake is the eldest bass playing, law student, Cal is the typical middle child running his own business and writing songs and I am the one with the most time. My name is Teddy, and yes that is my real name, and yes I am a girl. Woman. I am a wife and mother and sometimes work in the butcher shop my brother Cal runs in the beautiful place we call home. Star Valley. We three were blessed with a gift. That gift is a mother who knows it's never too late for her children to fulfill their destiny and a father who believes money spent to fund his Chidren's dreams is money well spent. This blog is about Music, Love and Family. We hope you enjoy it.