Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wyoming Commissioners

Cal and I drove out to Kemmerer to play for the Wyoming Commissioners shindig. You'd think that in the last days of April you wouldn't have to worry about getting caught in a snow storm, but you thought wrong. :-) It looks like a winter wonderland out there tonight and we're glad to be in from the cold with another performance under our belt. Every time we sing it's a new experience. A new venue, new people, new songs . . . . it's one of the reasons I love it. The Star Valley High School Bluegrass group played tonight as well and we stayed to listen to some great talent gearing up to conquer the music world from good old Wyoming. I love that there IS a bluegrass group! They meet during school hours and perform around the valley, it's a great opportunity to grow as a musician. What a great night!

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