Thursday, April 12, 2012

Putting it Together

Writing music is a process, and most of it, I miss :-)  Cal does a lot of writing on his own, sometimes he gets together with our brother Jake, most recently they wrote over the phone.  After the song is written then Cal and I get together and "learn" it.  We figure out what works with the guitars and harmony and it evolves into what has become The Linfords sound.  This is an old video of us working on "Sweet Grass to the Packing House", and yes, this is what it looks like around here.  Babies, patient spouses, yoga pants and no makeup :-)

This particular song was inspired by our show at the Allinger Theatre at the Oregon Trail Center in Montpelier Idaho, Robert Duvall, and our ancestor John Linford who died near Martin's Cove in Wyoming. 

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