Monday, July 30, 2012

I Have An Announcement To Make :-)

It's officially Lincoln County Fair time, the concert is tomorrow and I have got to make a public statement about The Linford Band. 

When a feature article came out in our local newspaper and only Cal and Teddy were included, we both privately and now publicly wanted to acknowledge the oversight, although not of our doing, certainly of our concern.  When Cal and I play as "THE LINFORD BAND" we are no longer and entity unto ourselves, the two becomes four, the musicianship is compounded with two awesome people.  Dave Parsons on the drums and Stephanie Berglund on the bass are what make up THE BAND part of THE LINFORDS.  We have never intentionally (and never will) leave them out of any advertising or publication of which they are a part.  We love 'em, we can't do without them . . . . so here is a huge shout out to the rest of The Linford Band.  Dave and Stephanie, thanks for what you do, you know how we feel about you, the music and all the fun that goes with it! 

Enough with the statements, public and otherwise . . . . let's play! 

1 comment:

Jake Linford said...

Hurray for The Linford Band!